UG 100 - Now even more
powerful with Solaris

With simplified Solaris Free and Flex workflows, new chemistry, and software, the UG 100 is built for the next era of omics.

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UG 100™

(Feb '24)

UG 100 with Solaris™

(Feb '25 )

6 - 8 B

reads per wafer


increase in output

10 - 12 B

reads per wafer


per million reads*


per Gb*


cost reduction


per million reads*


per Gb*

Up to 20,000

whole genomes per year*


increase in throughput

More than 30,000

whole genomes per year*

Part-per-million rare variant detection

with ppmSeq™


increase in yield

30x WGS from 2ng of cfDNA

with ppmSeq™

Original application ecosystem

Expanded application ecosystem

with leading technologies

Analysis solutions

Integrated with leading analysis providers

UG 100 Technology

Unique flow-based chemistry

Ultima's unique single base flow chemistry was built for speed, efficiency, and accuracy where you need it most. Our chemistry inherently provides advantages for calling SNVs by asking how many nucleotides are added, but the base identity is never in question. Incorporating one type of nucleotide per flow enables an extremely low base substitution error rate.

Learn about UG 100 sequencer

ppmSeq for even more accurate SNV calling

ppmSeq™, or paired plus minus sequencing, is Ultima's ground-breaking method to achieve accuracy of one part per million or better for calling single nucleotide variants (SNVs). ppmSeq combines the strong base calling performance of Ultima's flow chemistry with automated emulsion-based clonal amplification to sequence, identify and remove disagreement between both strands of a captured DNA molecule caused by sample error. Achieve extreme SNV quality without needing to over sequence.

Discover ppmSeq™ for rare event detection

SNVQ is the single nucleotide variant quality (SNVQ) score, which is different from a standard base quality score. The SNVQ score represents the error probability of the specific base substitution (e.g., A>G) rather than the aggregate error probability of any substitution (e.g., A>C/G/T).

Accurate homopolymer measurement

Ultima's UG 100™ solves the homopolymer challenges that limited previous flow-based chemistries. By using steady state imaging and modern machine learning techniques, Ultima's chemistry performs well in measuring homopolymers so that you can now benefit from an extreme level of SNV accuracy with a high indel quality even with non-terminating chemistry.

Indel calling accuracy F1 per homopolymer indel length.

An ecosystem of compatible applications for the UG 100

Library prep

Our Solaris library prep workflows are designed with simplicity, flexibility and ease of use in mind, offering seamless compatibility with leading third-party library prep providers. Ultima supports an open and collaborative ecosystem offering you the freedom to choose tools and workflows that best fit your application needs for impactful research.

Explore Solaris workflows

Analysis and bioinformatics

Leverage a suite of pre-configured pipelines optimized for Ultima data to efficiently execute analysis tasks in parallel with sequencing with no effect on sequencing throughput. The UG 100's dedicated high-performance compute Server performs read and sample-level secondary analysis and outputs file formats compatible with third-party software tools.

Learn about analysis solutions

How to access our technology

Start saving now.

Run your next project on the UG 100.

Certified Service Providers

Access cost-effective and scalable sequencing through our growing network of global service providers vetted for technical expertise and adherence to best practices. Submit samples and start generating data on the UG 100 now.

Sequence with a CSP today
Technology Access Program

Our Technology Access Program offers accessible entry to the UG 100™ through our in-house applications lab. Sequence on our high-capacity fleet of UG 100 Sequencers and receive support at every step, from consultation through data analysis.

Discover our TAP offerings
Bring UG 100 into your lab

Interested in exploring how your lab can benefit from high-throughput, cost-effective sequencing? Learn how our novel use of open wafers and built-in automation is continuously driving the cost of sequencing down to accelerate omics at scale.

Explore our technology