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The Era of the $100 Genome and Beyond
The Era of the $100 Genome and Beyond

Think outside the flow cell

A reimagined architecture

Ultima’s revolutionary new sequencing architecture that powers the UG 100™ Sequencer replaces complex and expensive flow cells with a staple of the electronics industry, a 200mm open silicon wafer. This breakthrough unlocks multiple improvements to reduce cost, increase performance, and provide a roadmap for scalability. Sequencing is no longer constrained within the small confines of the traditional flow cell.

Read Our Technology White Paper

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A new spin on sequencing

Rotational motion provides stability and efficiency for both contamination-free reagent delivery and rapid imaging. Automated wafer handling enables 24/7 continuous operation for high throughput and with flexibility to reduce batching. Fast and efficient chemistry delivers unrivaled accuracy. Built to enable the era of the $100 genome and beyond.

Learn Why Our Collaborators are Excited

Introducing the
UG 100™ Sequencer

Unleash your imagination

$1/Gb sequencing with scalability, flexibility, and unrivaled accuracy

Open wafer substrate for disruptive cost economics and scalability

Built-in 24/7 automation to maximize throughput and minimize operator touchpoints

Faster, smaller runs to reduce batching and achieve better economics on more run sizes

High quality germline and extreme SNV accuracy for where you need it most

Massively parallel amplification and sequencing with a separate amplifier

Keep your sequencer running via parallel processing


through the weekend,

24/7 continuous operation

Parallel library preparation.

Decouple amplification from sequencing for more flexibility and sequencing throughput.

Load up to 6 sets of wafers and samples and enough sequencing reagents for 60 hours of uninterrupted operation.

Hot swap consumables and samples while the sequencer continues to run – on your schedule.




Attractive economics no matter your run size

The UG 100™ provides the ultra-high throughput you are looking for with sequencing runtimes less than 14 hours and capacity up to 28 wafers per week. Each run is significantly lower in cost-per-run and cost-per-gigabase compared to alternatives*. Sequence when you want, how much you want and achieve disruptive economics no matter your run size.

Up to 8x cheaper per run*,

Half the cost per gigabase than the NovaSeq X Series 25B flow cell

Without sacrificing flexibility


* UG 100™ is offered with a reagent kit capable of supporting runs of up to 4 wafers; reagents in the kit to be used within ~4 days (comparison assumes all 4 wafers are used). Illumina offers single unit kits. Cost-per comparisons assume continuous operation and are based solely on publicly available sequencing reagent costs in connection with NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus.

Unparalleled accuracy where you need it most

Performing germline sequencing with consensus calls across SNVs and Indels?

Calling SNVs in challenging samples or a liquid biopsy?

The UG 100™ delivers at lower cost and unparalleled level of accuracy. We also have our ppmSeq™ technology for those one-in-a-million rare events you need to trust. Our chemistry asks how many bases are added, but the identity is not a question. This is purpose built to answer your most challenging accuracy questions.


The UG 100™ Sequencer

Architected from the ground up to overcome your sequencing constraints

Variant calling you can trust

Long homopolymers? No problem.

Ultima's UG 100™ solves the homopolymer challenges that limited previous flow-based chemistries. By using steady state imaging and modern machine learning techniques, you can now benefit from an extreme level of SNV accuracy with a high indel quality even with non-terminating chemistry.

Download our GIAB dataset

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High quality whole genomes

Trust the UG 100™ for all your variant calling applications. Generate high quality data², commensurate with your germline applications.

  • F1/SNP OF 99.8%
  • F1/INDL OF 99.4%

Explore our HealthOmics Github Repo


²Data determined using the GIAB v4.2.1 UG-HCR data sets. The UG-HCR data sets contain >99% of the GIAB v4.2.1 HCR. UG-HCR data sets available here.


Industry-leading SNV calling for those one-in-a-million events

Our chemistry was designed to excel in detecting SNVs, the most frequently occurring mutation in the genome, with high accuracy and scale. Our ppmSeq™ technology elevates this to an entirely new level, achieving extreme one-in-a-million level of accuracy for those rare events you need to trust.

Introducing the one-in-a-million era with ppmSeq™

Searching for a needle in the haystack?

Trying to find rare events in blood or challenging samples?

Historically, reaching one-in-a-million level of accuracy was fraught with challenges. Ultima’s ppmSeq™ technology introduces an entirely new era of SNVQ60†, or part-per-million raw error rate for base substitutions. By identifying sample errors introduced upstream of the sequencer, ppmSeq™ provides a giant leap towards a near-perfect level of sequencing accuracy to enable your most challenging applications.

Explore the ppmSeq™ Workflow


†SNVQ is the single nucleotide variant quality (SNVQ) score, which is different from a standard base quality score. The SNVQ score represents the error probability of the specific base substitution (e.g., A>G) rather than the aggregate error probability of any substitution (A>C/G/T).

UG 100™ Sequencer specifications

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Flexible analysis solutions compatible with your ecosystem

Analysis solutions that scale with your experiments

The UG 100™ performs primary analysis on tool and is compatible with the leading cloud and on-prem secondary analysis solutions. We partnered with AWS to offer our Genomics DeepVariant Ready2Run workflow on AWS HealthOmics at a $2 price per run in AWS US Regions (N. Virginia and Oregon). For pricing in other AWS regions please visit, AWS HealthOmics pricing.

Check out our AWS Ready2Run solution

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Designed to fit within your lab setup

Ultima has partnered with industry leaders providing workflow solutions optimized for the UG 100™.

Adopt Ultima with confidence and work with the providers you trust for high quality library prep and analysis solutions.

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Explore IDT's xGen™ for Ultima Genomics® product line including adapters, primers, and blocking oligos to expand the scale of your experiments.

Order xGen™ for Ultima Genomics® >

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Learn how we perform methylation sequencing and analysis using the NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq Kit.

Read Our Methylation Application Note >
Download Methylation Dataset >

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Read about our case study with AWS using their Multiomics Ready2Run solution for whole genome sample analysis.

Read our AWS Case Study >

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See how we are collaborating with NVIDIA to deliver $100 genome sequencing with AI and accelerated computing.

Learn about our collaboration >


Specification Sheet

Learn more about the UG 100™ sequencing platform and the power of genomics at scale.

Download Specification Sheet

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