Analysis & bioinformatics

Powerful, integrated software tools for the UG 100

Our integrated analysis tools are optimized for speed, cost-efficiency, flexibility and accuracy for high quality omics data at scale.

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DNA to data

Analysis & bioinformatics solutions optimized for Ultima Genomics data

  • Unlock high quality germline and somatic data
    • Our innovative flow chemistry and optical end-point detection method preserves base error information in supplementary quality tags that improve germline and somatic data quality. Leading variant calling workflows have been adapted for UG 100 sequencing data.
  • Application workflows compatible with leading third party software
    • Leverage our application-specific secondary analysis workflows on-board the UG 100™ server to seamlessly process data and generate file formats, like CRAM and FASTQ, compatible with leading third-party analysis software.
  • Minimize the costs of large-scale data analysis
    • The UG 100 Server runs on-board primary and secondary analysis without increasing run time. Save time and money on your data intensive experiments.

Integrated on-board
secondary analysis

Leverage a suite of pre-configured secondary analysis pipelines optimized for Ultima Genomics data to efficiently execute analysis. The UG 100 Sequencing Platform’s dedicated high-performance Server can robustly perform read and sample-level bioinformatics without impacting sequencing throughput.

Watch our analysis webinar series

Features & Benefits

  • Efficient on-board alignment

    Reduce compute costs by running our on-board Ultima Aligner (UA), optimized to run on the UG 100 Server to efficiently handle 300bp single-end reads. The Ultima Aligner supports your preferred reference genome including alignment of MethSeq data.

  • On-board secondary analysis & application-driven sample QC

    Perform demultiplexing and UMI-aware duplication marking specifically adapted for single end reads. Generate a full suite of detailed general and application-driven sample QC metrics to ensure high accuracy in downstream data analysis.

  • Flexible file formats for downstream pipelines

    Use our UA on-board aligner to output aligned CRAM files ready to hand-off to variant calling pipelines including Ultima-adapted DeepVariant, Sentieon DNAscope, and GATK. Native integration with third-party software providers including 10x Genomics, Parse Biosciences, Scale Biosciences, Olink, and STARsolo.

  • Alt-aware reference genome alignment

    A derivative of BWA, the Ultima Aligner supports alt-aware alignment to reference genomes supplementary haplotypes for accurate detection of structural variations or alternative assemblies.

  • Simple application-based read trimming

    Select from a range of sequencing applications in your sample sheet and the UG 100 Server will automatically trim standard and custom sequencing adapters for full compatibility with downstream analysis tools.

  • Compatible with leading variant calling solutions

    The UG 100™ is now compatible with leading cloud and on-prem secondary analysis solutions. We partnered with AWS to offer our UG-adapted DeepVariant Ready2Run workflow on AWS HealthOmics at a $2 price per run in AWS US Regions (N. Virginia and Oregon). For pricing in other AWS regions please visit, AWS HealthOmics pricing.

Compatible with leading
variant calling pipelines

Run Ultima data on leading UG-adapted variant callers to utilize supplementary quality tags for improved translation from flow space to base space. Seamlessly process data generated on the UG 100 server for accurate calls on germline and somatic genomes.

Discover AWS Ready2Run
UG 100 Solaris VC PipelineStandard VC PipelineCloud Pipeline Solutions
UG adapted DVGoogle DeepVariant (DV)Ready2Run on AWS HealthOmics, NVIDIA Parabricks, WDL
DNAscope with UG data modelSentieon DNAscopeBinary, WDL

Highly accurate variant calling on GIAB samples with UG-adapted DeepVariant

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Variant calling performance was assessed in comparison to reference truth sets within the UG high-confidence region (HCR), which covers >99% of the GIAB v4.2.1 HCR and excludes genomic areas where UG performance is consistently of lower confidence, such as homopolymer regions of length >12 bp and limited regions of low complexity (see Github here).

Compatible analysis and bioinformatics solutions

10x Genomics
Technical Note

Fully integrated 10x Genomics single cell and spatial transcriptomics workflows with Ultima Genomics UG 100™ Sequencing Platform

Read our tech note with 10x
Technical Note

High-throughput protein analysis via the Olink® Explore HT kit and Ultima Genomics UG 100 Solaris™ sequencing workflow

Read our tech note with Olink
Parse Biosciences
Application Note

Parse GigaLab and the Ultima Genomics UG 100™ Sequencing Platform drive 10 million single-cell cytokine perturbation experiment

Read our app note with Parse

A growing ecosystem of analysis and bioinformatics workflows for omics at scale

Explore our resources

How to access our technology

Start saving now.

Run your next project on the UG 100.

Certified Service Providers

Submit samples and start generating data on the UG 100 Sequencer. Access cost-effective and scalable sequencing with a growing network of global service providers rigorously vetted for their technical expertise and adherence to best practices.

Sequence with a CSP today
Technology Access Program

Our Technology Access Program offers accessible entry to the UG 100™ through our in-house applications lab. Sequence on our high-capacity fleet of UG 100 Sequencers and receive support at every step, from consultation through data analysis.

Discover our TAP offerings
Bring UG 100 into your lab

Interested in exploring how your lab can benefit from high-throughput, cost-effective sequencing? Learn how our novel use of open wafers and built-in automation is continuously driving the cost of sequencing down to accelerate omics at scale.

Explore our technology