Library prep

UG 100 Solaris™ workflows for simple library prep

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Omics at scale
with UG 100 Solaris

Solaris Free workflow

The UG 100 Solaris™ Free workflow offers PCR-free library prep compatible with leading library prep kits and accommodates a range of sample types and input amounts.

Solaris Flex workflow

The UG 100 Solaris™ Flex workflow allows for seamless adaptation of partial or full-length existing libraries generated from third-party library kits though a simple PCR.

Solaris Free workflow

Highlighted applications:

  • Germline whole genome sequencing
  • Somatic whole genome sequencing
  • ppmSeq™ for tumor/normal pairs
  • ppmSeq™ for liquid biopsy and MRD
Solaris Free workflow

Highlighted applications:

  • Single-cell sequencing
  • Methylation sequencing
  • RNA sequencing
  • Proteomics

UG 100 Solaris workflow highlights

Workflow NameAdapter & Primer NamesSample indexingDNA TypeDNA Input Range
UG 100™ Solaris FreexGen™ PCR-Free Adapters for Ultima Genomics®192 sample indicesGenomic DNA (gDNA)100 - 500 ng*
UG 100™ Solaris FreeUG ppmSeq™ Adapters96 sample indicesGenomic DNA (gDNA)50 - 250 ng*
UG 100™ Solaris FreeUG ppmSeq™ Adapters96 sample indicesCell-free DNA (cfDNA)1 - 20 ng*
UG 100™ Solaris FlexUG-R1 Indexing & UG-Universal Primers384 sample indicesNative or existing library10 ng*

*DNA input amounts verified by Ultima Genomics.

Highlighted applications
with UG 100 Solaris

Our library prep solutions are designed to be robust, flexible and easy to use, offering seamless compatibility with leading third-party library prep providers. Ultima embraces an open ecosystem of applications technologies to offer you the freedom to select the tools and workflows that best fit your research needs.

See all resourcesView library compatibility guide
10x Genomics
Technical Note

Fully integrated 10x Genomics single cell and spatial transcriptomics workflows with Ultima Genomics UG 100™ Sequencing Platform

Read our tech note with 10x
Technical Note

High-throughput protein analysis via the Olink® Explore HT kit and Ultima Genomics UG 100 Solaris™ sequencing workflow.

Read our tech note with Olink
Parse Biosciences
Application Note

Parse GigaLab and the Ultima Genomics UG 100™ Sequencing Platform drive 10 million single-cell cytokine perturbation experiment

Read our app note with Parse

A growing ecosystem of library prep partners

How to access our technology

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Certified Service Providers

Submit samples and start generating data on the UG 100™ Sequencer. Access cost-effective and scalable sequencing with a growing network of global service providers rigorously vetted for their technical expertise and adherence to best practices.

Sequence with a CSP today
Technology Access Program

Our Technology Access Program offers accessible entry to the UG 100™ through our in-house applications lab. Sequence on our high-capacity fleet of UG 100 Sequencers and receive support at every step, from consultation through data analysis.

Discover our TAP offerings
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Interested in exploring how your lab can benefit from high-throughput, cost-effective sequencing? Learn how our novel use of open wafers and built-in automation is continuously driving the cost of sequencing down to accelerate omics at scale.

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