Deeper Dive on Single-Cell Applications of Ultima Technologies
Wed, June 12 | 2:20PM - 2:50PM EST | Main Stage & Keynotes
Aziz Al'Khafaji, Associate Director, Methods Development Lab
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
In this session:
- Single-cell genomics methods are rapidly expanding due to the high demand set by experiments with more cells, analytes, and perturbations.
- In this talk I’ll showcase the latest single cell applications of Ultima technologies and how they’re supporting the expansion and scaling up of single cell genomics.
- I’ll cover the new opportunities this brings researchers and the challenges that still need to be considered.
High Accuracy Somatic Variant Calling on Ultima Genomics Facilitates Detailed Phylogenetic Reconstruction Across Metastatic Tumor Samples
Wed, June 12 | 3:20PM - 3:50PM EST | Main Stage & Keynotes
Julian Hess, Computational Scientist
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
In this session:
- Developed and rigorously benchmarked a highly sensitive and specific somatic mutation detection pipeline to work with Ultima sequencing data whose somatic variant calling performance is comparable or better than other sequencing technologies.
- Performed Ultima WGS on 303 cancer rapid autopsy samples across 32 patients, and constructed phylogenetic trees charting their clonal evolution.
- We demonstrate trees generated from Ultima WGS data are more detailed than ones generated from whole exome replicates, revealing novel insights into cancer evolution, and illustrating the importance of WGS for cancer genomics.